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Richard Day

Richard Day is a full-time professional nature photographer who's been in the business of marketing photos and teaching photo workshops since 1984. He specializes in birds, butterflies, dragonflies, mammals, and other outdoor imagery. His images have appeared in major national publications including Audubon, Birder's World, Sierra Club, National Geographic, National Wildlife, and others. He also contributes hundreds of images a year to calendars, greeting cards, puzzles, paper products and advertising clients. Richard's work is represented by three stock photography agencies worldwide.

Richard was a guide for polar bear tours with Frontiers North Adventures in Winnipeg, Manitoba for 14 years ( as well as private photo workshops and field trips throughout the country each year.

Richard conducts dragonfly and butterfly research surveys in Illinois through the Department of Natural Resources. He also works with the Missouri Department of Conservation researching the Federally Endangered Hine's Emerald dragonfly.

He is an Affiliate Research Scientist with the Illinois Natural History Survey and Illinois State Musuem.

Richard lives in the country on 63 acres in south central Illinois. It is landscaped to attract wildlife with improvements including a 5-acre native grass and wildflower prairie and 2 shallow water wetlands. He has awards for his conservation efforts and his yard is certified with the National Wildlife Federation and Illinois Audubon Society Backyard Habitat Programs. Richard also volunteers for the local fire protection district, where he's been Assistant Fire Chief for nearly 20 years. He maintains websites for Alma Weather Station ( and Kinmundy-Alma Fire Protection District, (